The 3 Critical Things You Must Optimize to Succeed Online
“The Internet and social media have made amazing things possible for both online entrepreneurs and offline businesses. Those who make the most of this revolutionary time in history are also building a media asset of their own.
And yet, many are going into battle unarmed. They don’t have the critical tools and knowledge necessary to succeed online.
When building your online home base that powers your entire strategy, here are the 3 things you must get right…”
How to Create Content That Engages Prospects and Customers
Are you satisfied with your website’s content? Are you getting the traffic and conversions you desire?
Well than read this guide to creating great content.
Do you really need a professional to design your Web site?
“If you are doing an online business, your online presence is of utmost importance to you. Optimum online presence can mean a huge success for your business as well as high revenues and high profits. On the other hand, if your online presence is not strong enough, it could spell the doom of your online business. Let’s see how professional web designers can impact your online presence…”
Does your Web site demand attention?
“Web designers don’t have much time to impress website visitors and persuade them to stay on the websites we craft. They want to find things quickly, and we should design sites to aid them do just that. One of the most important ways to do this is with focal points.
A focal point is a prominent section on a web page that we want to guide the user’s attention to. The focal point is the eye-catching centerpiece of the page; it stands out and is distinct than other components.”
Content vs. Design – which one comes out on top?
Online, you only have a second to grab someone’s attention.
During that second, people make snap judgments about you, your business, and your website.
Before. They. Read. Your. Content.
Not convinced?
What is a Web site planning guide and do you need one?
Launching a website is an exciting time for any company. As the need for a website becomes ever greater, most companies now set one up as soon as they can. Indeed, a website is now considered just as important as business cards and brochures.
However, many companies still face the problem of not really knowing where to start with their website. A website seems so commonplace that many feel they can just walk straight in and set up a fully functioning website immediately, but there is a lot more to it than this. That’s where a website planning guide can help.