Are You Ready For Google Swiffy?
“Google’s Swiffy can convert basic Flash applications to HTML5. Unlike similar projects before it, Swiffy appears to emulate the ActionScript Virtual Machine, which suggests that conversion of complex Flash apps to HTML and JavaScript is actually viable.
Recently, Twitter went a-fury with Google’s announcement of Swiffy, a tool to convert compiled Adobe Flash files, or SWFs, to HTML5 animations. If you keep a search open for HTML5 game-related material like I do, you might have been overloaded with mentions about Swiffy being a game changer in the war between HTML5 and Flash. Sensationalist terms like war aside, Swiffy is indeed an important creation.
But wait, you might say, didn’t Adobe release something just like this? Sure Adobe released a similar experiment, Wallaby, in March of this year, but it only supports the most basic Flash features. Swiffy has taken an important step further: emulating the ActionScript Virtual Machine.
Why is this important?”
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“Imagine with me for a second someone has just arrived at your website, and this person has no idea what you’re talking about. And this is an important visitor.
Pretend further that this single visitor could make the difference between success and failure for your business. She has no time to waste poking around your site trying to figure out what you’re all about, so she immediately picks up the phone and calls you, demanding an explanation.”